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Tips to reduce your premium

We all like to save money. Here are a few ways you can save on your insurance.

Modify your optional benefits

Optional benefits or add ons allow you to tailor your policy to your needs without paying for the things you won't use. Removing optional benefits can also reduce your premium. Think carefully before you remove any optional benefits as you are reducing your cover.


Annual Payment

Paying annually could save you up to 10% off your premium. Please note that this option can only be paid using credit card.


Increase your excess

As your excess increases, your premiums decrease and vice versa. Try different excess amounts to get the most suitable premium for you.

Remember your excess is the amount you pay towards a claim, so choose wisely.


Keep you policy up to date

Details like the age of each driver may affect your premium, so keep your policy details up to date.

The sum insured of your house or contents and agreed value of your car also affects your premium. Reducing it will reduce your premium but remember in a total loss, this is the maximum amount that we will pay up to. Don't risk being underinsured.

If your car becomes garaged, you can also get a reduction on your car premiums.

If you change your address, let us know as this can affect your premium.

Remember that although paying a reduced premium may be handy now, ensure you have enough cover in the event of a loss.


Still unsure? Fire up a live chat or contact us, we are here to help.


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