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How to check your sum insured or agreed value

Your sum insured or agreed value is important - it's how much you are covered for if you need to claim. It is good to double check that you aren't under insured. If you want to know how much you have insured your stuff for, just follow these simple steps.

Step 1: Sign in to My Insurance

Step 2: Go to your Policies section

Step 3: The certificate of insurance can be found under your policy summary and you can view or download it as a PDF document. 


You'll see a message saying "Your certificate will be available soon" in its place if you have just purchased your policy. It takes two hours to generate your Certificate of Insurance and your invoice online once you purchase a policy. 


You can find your Agreed Value or Sum Insured, any Policyholder names, and Interested Party names on the Certificate.



If you need to increase or decrease your sum insured or agreed value, simply make a change to your policy.

It is important to note that your sum insured or agreed value is the most that we will pay in a claim so be careful to chose the correct value for your house, contents or car.

If you want more information about sum insured, check out the article Sum insured explained.


Still unsure? Fire up a live chat or contact us, we are here to help.


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