Your premium could change for a number of reasons. Here are some of the most common.
Have you changed something?
If you make changes to your insurance policy such as adding or removing a benefit or a change of address, you may see the premiums change as we update your policy details.
No Claims Bonus or loss of No Claims Bonus
If you haven't made any claims in the past year, you might find your premiums decrease due to qualifying for a No Claims Bonus on your policy.
Alternatively if you have made a claim in the past year and were currently receiving a No Claims Bonus, upon renewal your premiums may go up as you may lose part or all of your current No Claims Bonus.
If the location of your car or contents changes, your premiums may change in accordance with the increased or decreased risk at your new location. For example, you may move to an area with a lower rate of car burglaries, which will in turn, decrease your car insurance premiums.
If your car becomes garaged you can obtain a discount on your premiums.
Age of driver
If you add a driver under the age of 25 to your policy or allow under 25's to drive your car, your premiums will go up to account for the increased risk. If you remove drivers under the age of 25 or the driver turns 25, your premiums may decrease.
Driving record
You are obligated to inform us if you or anyone who may drive your car commits, is charged with, or convicted of, any criminal offence or traffic offence, other than parking infringements. A pattern of these offences can result in an increase in your premiums.
Increase in risk factors
If your area experiences an increased risk, like the Canterbury earthquakes, it may result in an increase in your insurance premium. If this happens, we would let you know.
Automatic increase in sum insured
So that you don't have to worry about being caught short by rising costs to repair and rebuild your house, our house policies automatically increase the sum insured every year in line with building inflation. This may impact your premiums.
Change of use
If your house becomes tenanted or shifts from a rental to owner-occupied or you have any boarders or homestay students coming to stay, this change may also affect your premiums.
If you install an alarm in your property, call us and let us know and you may earn a discount on your contents insurance.
Still unsure? Fire up a live chat or contact us, we are here to help.