An Interested Party is someone that has a financial interest in something you own. It is usually a bank or finance company. It's important you note any Interested Parties on your policy so that in the event of a claim, they are also taken care of.
Please note the below example is for a car policy. However, there are very similar questions for house and contents policies.
Adding an interested party
Step 1: Choose which policy you want to add the Interested Party to.
Step 2: Click into the policy to see the details.
Click the Edit all button, or go straight to the drop down section called Car and modifications
Step 3: From there you can select Yes to the question "Is there any money owed on the vehicle?" This will cause a drop down box to ask who is providing the finance.
Step 5: Start typing the name of the bank or finance company. Most Interested Parties are already in our system, so if your Interested Party appears, click the box and it will autofill with the correct details for them.
If it doesn't, please add a phone number and email address for the person or company.
Please note, however, that if a friend or family member is lending you money, this does not count as an Interested Party as there is no contract between you.
Step 6: Once you have added in their details, just click Next to submit the change.
Step 7: Sit back and relax!
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